November 01, 2012

Animals Research

Animal - Woodland - Mouse, anatomy
Animal - Woodland - Mouse, anatomy
Mémoires du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle (1823). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Woodland - Rabbits in a field
Animal - Woodland - Rabbits in a field
Brehms Tierleben. Allgemeine kunde des Tierreichs (1911). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Illuminerade Figurer - Woodland - Rabbit (2)
Animal - Illuminerade Figurer - Woodland - Rabbit (2)
Vintage Swedish Animal Prints. Animal illustrations of Scandanavian fauna. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Zebra - Italian
Animal - Zebra - Italian
Italian images; early naturalist. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without retstriction in the US

Animal - Zebra - Quahkah
Animal - Zebra - Quahkah
African scenery and animals
Samuel Daniell 1775-1811
[London], [1804-1805].From Smithsonian: "Samuel Daniell was appointed artist for a British expedition into the Cape interior in 1801. He sketched animals from life in their natural habitats, and was praised for his accuracy and attention to detail. Upon his return, Daniell used his field sketches to create and publish these aquatints." Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

British Mammals 1896
British Mammals 1896

Animal - Deer - Antlers, comparative anatomy 2
Animal - Deer - Antlers, comparative anatomy 2
Gegenbaurs morphologisches Jahrbuch (1903). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal range antelope Haekel
Animal range antelope Haekel
Antelope educational plate. Scans of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Non-human primate - Monkey
Animal - Non-human primate - Monkey
Illustration; monkey. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Non Human Primate - (Chimpanzee) Anatomical, Head
Animal - Non Human Primate - (Chimpanzee) Anatomical, Head

Animal - Non-human primate - Aphorism - Semper Idem
Animal - Non-human primate - Aphorism - Semper Idem
Semper Idem. Or, once a monkey, always a monkey. Image of a monkey man looking in the mirror trying to look human. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Educational Plate - Babboons
Animal - Educational Plate - Babboons
Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US. Via Wellcome Images.
Six different species of baboon are shown in their natural habitat

Animal - Range and Farm - Asian woodblock
Animal - Range and Farm - Asian woodblock
Chinese clay figures (1914). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Medical - Anatomy - Physignomia (10)
Medical - Anatomy - Physignomia (10)
Cow, man. Physiognomonia, 1807. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Horse - Hoof anatomy
Animal - Horse - Hoof anatomy
Le cheval extérieur régions : pied, proportions, aplombs, allures, age, aptitudes, robes, tares, vices, vente et achat, examen des uvres d'art équestre, etc. : structure et fonctions, situation, rapports, structure anatomique et rôle physiologique de chaque organe : races, origine, divisions, caractères, production et amélioration : XVI planches coloriées, découpées et superposées (1886). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Range and Farm - Horse -  Asiatique (Arabe)
Animal - Range and Farm - Horse - Asiatique (Arabe)
Horse illustrations; color engravings, 19th Century. Scans of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Range and Farm - Goats - Asian - Black and white woodblock
Animal - Range and Farm - Goats - Asian - Black and white woodblock
Japanese (?) woodblock prints of animals in the woods; black and white. Scans of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Range and Farm - Smiling goat
Animal - Range and Farm - Smiling goat
Proceedings of the general meetings for scientific business of the Zoological Society of London. 1899. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Range and Farm - Buffon - Llama
Animal - Range and Farm - Buffon - Llama
Vintage French Animal Prints. Complements of Buffon, 1838. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animals - Range and Farm - Pig  - Black and white - Illustration (1)
Animals - Range and Farm - Pig - Black and white - Illustration (1)
Pig. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Ocelot and Boar - Italian
Animal - Ocelot and Boar - Italian
Something like an ocelot or small spotted cat with a leash and different face; and a bristled pig with an arrow in it. Ulisse Aldrovandi, animals; Italian illustration. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Art - Folk Art - Russian - Animal - Pig and piglets
Art - Folk Art - Russian - Animal - Pig and piglets
Niko Pirosmani. Sow with Piglets. Oil on cardboard. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Reptile - Snake - Grayish 2. jpg
Animal - Reptile - Snake - Grayish 2. jpg
Voyage autour du monde par les mers de l'Inde et de Chine ex (1833). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Reptile - Snake - Venomous snake 1
Animal - Reptile - Snake - Venomous snake 1
Notes on the venomous snakes from the islands of Formosa and Riu Kiu .. (1920). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Locomotion - Donkey kicking
Animal - Locomotion - Donkey kicking
"Animal locomotion", 1872/85. Eadward Muygridge. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Locomotion - Photo - Cat - Running - Stop motion
Animal - Locomotion - Photo - Cat - Running - Stop motion
Stop motion photos of animals running. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Locomotion - Photo - Cat and dog jumping
Animal - Locomotion - Photo - Cat and dog jumping
National Media Museum via Flickr Commons, stop motion of cat and dog jumping. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Art - Poster - SF Exposition 1939
Art - Poster - SF Exposition 1939
Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Animal acting human - Pig, fox, vraious, school-rules-beard
Animal - Animal acting human - Pig, fox, vraious, school-rules-beard
William Holbrook Beard; paintings of animals in narrative settings. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

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Animals Research--– Sea mammal

Animal - Sea mammal - Whale - Italian - (2)
Italian images; early naturalist. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without retstriction in the US.

Animal - Sea mammal - Whale - Italian -  (3)
Animal - Sea mammal - Whale - Italian - (3)
Italian images; early naturalist. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without retstriction in the US.
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Animals Research---Fish

Animal - Monster - Italian (23) - Microencaphaly with fish dorsal fin

Animal – Monster – Italian (23) – Microencaphaly with fish dorsal fin

Animal - Fish - Angel Fish
Animal - Fish - Angel Fish

Animal - Fish - Couvier 1834 -  (8)

Animal - Fish - Couvier 1834 - (8)
Vintage French Fish illustration. Couvier, Baron (1834), selected images from "Pisces". Scans of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Sea Devil
Animal - Fish - Sea Devil
Vintage fish print; cabinet of curiosity style. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Photo - Gramma loreto, Adult (Royal Gramma)
Animal - Fish - Photo - Gramma loreto, Adult (Royal Gramma)

Animal - Fish - Photo - Bodianus rufus, Juvenile (Spanish Hogfish)
Animal - Fish - Photo - Bodianus rufus, Juvenile (Spanish Hogfish)
Smithsonian Belize Larval-Fish Group. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Photo - Halichoeres radiatus, Terminal Phase (Puddingwife Wrasse)
Animal - Fish - Photo - Halichoeres radiatus, Terminal Phase (Puddingwife Wrasse)
Halichoeres radiatus, Terminal Phase (Puddingwife Wrasse). Smithsonian via Flickr Commons. Scans of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Photo - Chromis cyanea (Blue Chromis)
Animal - Fish - Photo - Chromis cyanea (Blue Chromis)
Chromis cyanea (Blue Chromis). US Govt/Smithsonian via Flickr Commons. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Photo - Ostraciidae, Juvenile (Boxfish)
Animal - Fish - Photo - Ostraciidae, Juvenile (Boxfish)

Animal - Fish - Educational plate, fish, various
Animal - Fish - Educational plate, fish, various
Résultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier, prince souverain de Monaco .. (1911). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed be free to use without restriction in the U.S.

Animal - Fish - Brown and beige spots
Animal - Fish - Brown and beige spots
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Green lips 2
Animal - Fish - Green lips 2
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Pinkish with yellow
Animal - Fish - Pinkish with yellow
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Navy blue squiggles
Animal - Fish - Navy blue squiggles
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Pink squiggles
Animal - Fish - Pink squiggles
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Fish - Red and orange fish
Animal - Fish - Red and orange fish
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Mythology - Mermaid (Fish woman)
Mythology - Mermaid (Fish woman)
Francisci Redi, nobilis Aretini, Experimenta circa res diversas naturales, speciatim illas, quae ex Indiis adferuntur. Ex Italico Latinitate donata (1675). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Landscape - Moonlight - Night fishing
Landscape - Moonlight - Night fishing
Jacob Abels 1803-1866: River with fishermen at night. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Fish - Red, Green 2
Animal - Fish - Red, Green 2
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Fish - Blue-green 5
Animal - Fish - Blue-green 5
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Fish - Yellow with red veins
Animal - Fish - Yellow with red veins
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Fish - Blue-green 3
Animal - Fish - Blue-green 3
Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Fish - Fishes of Guiana 12
Animal - Fish - Fishes of Guiana 12
The natural history of the fishes of Guiana (1841). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Fish - Striped fish brown
Animal - Fish - Striped fish brown
M.E. Blochii ... Systema ichthyologiae iconibus CX illustratum (1801). Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Australia - Fish - Red Gurnard 2
Animal - Australia - Fish - Red Gurnard 2
George Raper, and unknown artist - Australian fishes, 1774-1794. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Australia - Fish - Roundhead
Animal - Australia - Fish - Roundhead
George Raper, and unknown artist - Australian fishes, 1774-1794. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.

Animal - Curiosity - Eel - Spots
Animal - Curiosity - Eel - Spots
Spotted eel. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US

Animal - Fish - Flying Fish (2)
Animal - Fish - Flying Fish (2)
Vintage flying fish print. Animals; cabinet of curiosity style. Scan of 2 d images in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US.
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