Visit The Morbid Anatomy Flickr Collection.
Click here to view the Morbid Anatomy photo collection of forgotten, curious, and overlooked museums.
Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences
American Museum of Natural History
American Red Cross Museum
Anatomical Museum of Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
Apothekenmuseum “Steinernen Haus”
Berlin Medical Historical Museum of the Charité
Cape Medical Museum
Chimborazo Medical MuseumChimborazo Medical Museum
Clendening History of Medicine Library and Museum
Das Anatomische Museum der Universität Basel
Das Brukenthal Museum
Das Pharmazie-Historische Museum Basel
Dennis Sever's House, 18 Folgate Street
Deutsche Apotheken Museum
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum
Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum, Ingolstadt
Dittrick Medical History Center
Dr. Guislain Museum
edizinhistorische Museum am Mittelrhein
Federal Pathologic-Anatomical Museum (Pathologisch-Anatomisches Bundesmuseum)
Freud Museum
German Epilepsy Museum
Glore Psychiatric Museum
Gordon Museum
Grant Museum
Great Ormond Street Hosptial For Children
Harry Brookes Allen Museum of Anatomy and Pathology
Harvard Museum of Natural History
hBethlem Royal Hospital Archives and Museum
Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences
Hunterian Museum (Glasgow)
Hunterian Museum (London)
Institut für Medizingeschichte, Bern
International Museum of Surgical Science
International Museum of Surgical Science
Jenner Museum
Jikei Medical University in Tokyo
Kawasaki Medical University Museum of Modern Medical Education
Kircher Society List of Anatomical Museums
Kunstkammer Georg Laue
La Specola
Leprosy Museum
Leprosy Museum - St. George's Hospital
Litauisches Museum für Geschichte der Medizin der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Vilnius
Medical Collection of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu
Medical History Museum in Gothenburg
Medical Museum at Nesstofa
Medicinhistoriska Museet
Medisch Erfgoed
Medizinhistorische Sammlung des Lehrstuhls für Geschichte der Medizin
Medizinhistorisches Museum der Universität Zürich
Melbourne Medical History Musuem
Mobile Medical Museum
Moulagenmuseum, Universitätsspital Zürich
Musee Flaubert et d'Histoire du Medecine
MuSeele Museum, Museum für die Geschichte der Psychiatrie und Psychiatriegeschichten
Museo de Historia de la Medicina y de la Cirugía “Vicente Aníbal Risolía”
Museo de las Momias de Guanajuato
Museo di Anatomia Patologica dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze
Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya
Museum anatomicum - Medizinhistorisches Museum der Philipps-Universität Marburg
Museum Anatomicum, Marburger
Museum Boerhaave
Museum für Medizin-Metereologie
Museum für Naturkunde of the Humbold-University in Berlin (Berlin Museum of Natural History)
Museum für Verhütung und Schwangerschaftsabbruch
Museum of Anatomical Waxes (Museo delle Cere Anatomiche)
Museum of Funeral Customs
Museum of Health, Turkey
Museum of Human Anatomy at the University of Turin
Museum of Jurassic Technology
Museum of Medicine and Public Health - part of the National Medical Library, Prag
Museum of Questionable Medical Devices
Museum of Snoring
Museum of the Cultural History of The Hand
Museum of the History of Science
Museum of Traditional Medicine
Museum of Veterinary Medicine of the Royal Veterinary College
Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine
Musée d'Histoire de la médecine et de la Pharmacie de Lyon
Musée de l'Ecorché d'Anatomie
Musée de la Médecine
Musée des moulages Empereur Antonin
Musée Dupuytren
Musée d’Anatomie, Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier
Musée d’histoire de la Médecine de Toulouse
Musée Fragonard
Musée Mécanique
Mütter Museum
National Library of Medicine
National Museum of Civil War Medicine
National Museum of Health and Medicine
Naturhistorische Museum Wien
Naturhistorisches Museum, Bern, Switzerland
Old Operating Theatre Museum
Pitt Rivers Museum
Prelinger Library
Proteus Gowanus
Psychiatrie Museum Bern
Radio Guy
Reanimation Library
Rose Melnick Medical Museum, Youngstown, OH
Royal College of Physicians, London
Sammlung Prinzhorn
Semmelweis Museum
Shanghai Natural History Museum
Sigmund Freud Museum Wien
Sir John Soane's Museum
Siriraj Medical Museum
St Bartholomew's and The Royal London Hospital
Steno Museum
Sulabh International Museum of Toilets
Surgeons' Hall Museum, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Sächsische Psychiatriemuseum
Teylers Museum
Thackray Medical Museum
The Agricultural Museum, Cairo, Egypt
The Center for Social Psychiatry Haina
The Museum of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
The Science Museum, London
The Stonestreet Museum of 19th Century Medicine
Tring Museum
Tulane Museum of Natural History
Universita di Cagliari, Le Cere Anatomische di Clemente Susini
Virtual Museum of Ophthalmic Optics
Wagner Free Institute
Warren Anatomical Museum
Wellcome Center
Württemberg Psychiatry Museum Zwiefalten
Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences - Birmingham
Alfred Shryock Museum of Embryology - Loma Linda, California
Anatomical Museum "Paolo Gorini" - Lodi
Anatomical Museum "Seconda Università" - Naples
Anatomical Museum "Taruffi" - Bologna
Anatomical Museum of Leiden University Medical Center - Leiden
Anatomical Museum of the University of Basel - Basel
Anatomy Museum - Flinders
Anatomy Museum University of Pavia - Pavia
Anatomy Museum, University of Aberdeen - Aberdeen
Andreas Syggros Museum of Dermatologic and Venereal Diseases - Athens
Cere Anatomiche di Clemente Susini – Cagliari
Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas - Madrid
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum - Dresden
Federal Pathologic-Anatomical Museum (Pathologisch-Anatomisches Bundesmuseum) - Vienna
Gordon Museum - London
Harry Brookes Allen Museum of Anatomy and Pathology - Melbourne
Hunterian Museum - Glasgow
Hunterian Museum - London
Josephinum - Vienna
Kawasaki Medical University Museum of Modern Medical Education - Kawasaki
Kunstkamera - St. Petersburg
La Specola - Florence
Le Musée d'Anatomie du Neubourg - Neubourg
Medical Collection of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu - Tartu
Moulagenmuseum - Zürich
Musee Flaubert et d'Histoire du Medecine
Musee Testut - Latarjet de medecine & d'anatomie - Lyon
Museo Anatomico "Giovanni Tumiati" - Ferrara
Museo Anatomico - Modena
Museo Anatomico di Firenze - Florence
Museo Cappella Sansevero - Napoli
Museo dell'Istituto di Anatomia Patologica - Padova
Museo della Cere Anatomiche "Luigi Cattaneo" - Bologna
Museo di Anatomia Patologica dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze - Florence
Museo di Anatomia Umana (Museum of Human Anatomy) "Luigi Rolando" - Turin
Museo di Anatomia Umana - Pisa
Museo di Anatomia Umana Normale - Bologna
Museo Storico Nazionale dell'Arte Sanitaria - Rome
Museum Anatomicum - Marburg
Museum Boerhaave - Leiden
Museum für Medizin-Metereologie - Vienna
Museum Gustavianum - Upsala, Sweden
Museum of Anatomical Waxes (Museo delle Cere Anatomiche) - Bologna
Museum of Comparative Anatomy - Bologna
Museum of Human Anatomy - Bologna
Museum of Human Disease - Sydney
Museum of Veterinary Pathology and Teratology - Bologna
Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine - Paris
Musée de la Médecine - Brussels
Musée Dupuytren - Paris
Musée d’Anatomie - Montpellier
Musée Fragonard - Alfort
Mütter Museum - Philadelphia
National Museum of Health and Medicine - Washington, D. C.
Obstetrical Museum "Giovan Antonio Galli"
Palacio de la Escuela de Medicina, Mexico City
Semmelweis Museum - Budapest
Surgeons' Hall Museum, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - Edinburgh
The Anatomy Museum -New Zealand
The Anatomy Museum of Naples Italy (il museo anatomico di napoli) - Napoli
The Science Museum - The Science and Art of Medicine Galleries - London
University of Malta Faculty of Medicine and Surgery - Malta
Vrolik - Amsterdam
W.D. Trotter Anatomy Museum - New Zealand
Warren Anatomical Museum - Boston
Wellcome Collection - London
Dennis Sever's House, 18 Folgate Street
Exploratorium - San Francisco
Leila's Hair Museum - Missouri
Marsh's Free Museum - Long Beach, WA
Museo delle Anime dei Defunti (o Purgatorio) - Rome
Museum of Death
Museum of Funeral Customs - Springfield
Museum of Jurassic Technology - Culver City
Museum of Mourning Photography and Memorial Practice
Museum of Questionable Medical Devices - New Delhi
Museum of Sepulchral Culture, Kassel, DE.
Museum of Snroing - Langenholzen
Museum of the Cultural History of The Hand - Wolnzach
Musée Bizarre, Rieden/Obersiggenthal
Musée des Grenouilles, Estavayer-le-Lac
Musée Mécanique - San Francisco
Pitt Rivers Museum - Oxford
Proteus Gowanus - New York
Sir John Soane's Museum - London
Sulabh International Museum of Toilets
Teylers Museum - Haarlem
Academy of Natural Sciences - Philadelphia
American Museum of Natural History - New York
Bell Museum of Natural History - Minneapolis
Berlin Museum for Natural History - Berlin
Biological Museum - Stockholm
Cleveland Museum of Natural History - Cleveland
Grant Museum - London
Harvard Museum of Natural History - Boston
La Specola Zoologica - Florence
Natural History Museum - London
Natural History Museum Bern - Bern
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles
Natural History Museum Vienna - Vienna
Naturalis - Leiden
Shanghai Natural History Museum - Shanghai
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History - Washington, D.C.
Tring Museum - Hertfordshire
Tulane Museum of Natural History
Uppsala University Evolution Museum - Uppsala
Wagner Free Institute - Philadelphia
Apothekenmuseum “Steinernen Haus”
Berlin Medical Historical Museum of the Charité
Cape Medical Museum
Chimborazo Medical Museum
Clendening History of Medicine Library and Museum
Das Brukenthal Museum
Das Medizinhistorische Museum am Mittelrhein
Das Pharmazie-Historische Museum Basel
Deutsche Apotheken Museum
Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum, Ingolstadt
Dittrick Medical History Center
German Epilepsy Museum
Great Ormond Street Hosptial For Children
Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences
Institut für Medizingeschichte, Bern
Jikei Medical University in Tokyo
Leprosy Museum
Leprosy Museum - St. George's Hospital
Litauisches Museum für Geschichte der Medizin der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Vilnius
Medical History Museum in Gothenburg
Medical Museum at Nesstofa
Medicinhistoriska Museet
Medizinhistorische Sammlung des Lehrstuhls für Geschichte der Medizin
Medizinhistorisches Museum der Universität Zürich
Melbourne Medical History Museum
Mobile Medical Museum
Museo de Historia de la Medicina y de la Cirugía “Vicente Aníbal Risolía”
Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya
Museum Boerhaave
Museum für Medizin-Metereologie
Museum für Verhütung und Schwangerschaftsabbruch
Museum of Funeral Customs
Museum of Health, Turkey
Museum of Medicine and Public Health - part of the National Medical Library, Prag
Museum of Questionable Medical Devices
Museum of the History of Science
Museum of Traditional Medicine
Museum of Veterinary Medicine of the Royal Veterinary College
Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine
Musée d'Histoire de la médecine et de la Pharmacie de Lyon
Musée d’histoire de la Médecine de Toulouse
Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives and Museum
Dr. Guislain Museum
Freud Museum
Freud Museum - Vienna
Glore Psychiatric Museum
MuSeele Museum, Museum für die Geschichte der Psychiatrie und Psychiatriegeschichten
Sächsische Psychiatriemuseum
Württemberg Psychiatry Museum Zwiefalten
Medisch Erfgoed
Virtual Museum of Ophthalmic Optics
Anatomical Venuses: The Aethetics of Anatomical Modeling in 18th- and 19th-Century Europe
The Anatomist: A True Story of Gray's Anatomy
Anatomy Acts: How We Come to Know Ourselves
Art of Death
Artificial Kingdom, The: A Treasury of the Kitsch Experience
Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery
Blood: Art, Power, Politics, and Pathology
Body Criticism: Imaging the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine
Cures and Curiosities: Inside the Wellcome Library
The Denial of Death
Devices of Wonder
Dream Anatomy
Ebenbilder. Kopien von Körpern - Modelle des Menschen
Ephemeral Bodies
Encyclopaedia Anatomica
Finders, Keepers
Frankenstein: Or, the Modern Prometheus
Human Anatomy: From the Renaissance to the Digital Age
Invention of Hysteria
The Knife Man: The Extraordinary Life and Times of John Hunter, Father of Modern Surgery
The Knife Thrower: and Other Stories
Looking at Death
Madame Tussaud and the History of Waxworks
Manifesting Medicine: Bodies and Machines
Mr. Wilson's Cabinet Of Wonder
Mark Dion
The Monk
"Morbid Curiosity":The Decline and Fall of the Popular Anatomical Museum
A Morning's Work: Medical Photographs from the Burns Archive...
The Mutter Museum
Mutter Museum Historic Medical Photographs,
A Nervous Splendor: Vienna 1888-1889
Phantasmagoria: Spirit Visions, Metaphors, and Media
The Phantom Museum
The Physician's Art: Representations of Art and Medicine
The Secret History
Sexual Visions: Images Of Gender In Science And Medicine...
Sleeping Beauty: Memorial Photography in America
A Social History of Dying
Special Cases: Natural Anomalies and Historical Monsters
Spectacular Bodies: The Art and Science of the Human Body...
Spectacular Realities: Early Mass Culture in Fin-de-Siècle Paris
The Strange Case Of Dr. Jeckyl And Mr. Hyde
Stuffed Animals and Pickled Heads: The Culture of Natural History Museums
Suspended Animation: Six Essays on the Preservatiuon of Bodily Parts
To Die No More
A Traffic of Dead Bodies: Anatomy and Embodied Social Identity in Nineteenth-Century America
The Wandering Womb : A Cultural History of Outrageous Beliefs About Woman
Weird Europe: A Guide to Bizarre, Macabre, and Just Plain Weird Sights
Ambrose Bierce
Arthur Conan Doyle
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Charles Baudelaire
Christina Rossetti
E. T. A. Hoffmann
Edgar Allen Poe
Edward Gorey
Honoré de Balzac
J. K. Huysmans
John Bellairs
Oscar Wilde
Robert Louis Stevenson
Stephen Millhauser
William Blake
Death by Design
Flight From Death: The Quest for Immortality
Jan Svankmajer (anything by)
Le Vampire (Jean Painleve)
Lyrical Nitrate (Lyrisch Nitraat)
News About Cells
Rosemary's Baby
The Doctor and the Devils
The Elephant Man
The Films of the Brothers Quay
The Haunting
The Innocents
The Kingdom
The Phantom Museum
The Short Films of David Lynch
Ars Medica
Art & Science Collaborations
Art Sci Chicago
Art Sci UCLA
ASCI : Art & Science Collaborations, Inc.
Association of Medical Illustrators
Centre for Death and Society, Bath, England
Centre for Forensic and Medical Art
European Association of the Museums of History of Medical Sciences
International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts
Leonardo: Art, Science, and Technology
Medical Museums Association
Medisch Erfgoed (Medical Heritage, Netherlands)
New York Academy of Medicine
Science & the Arts
The Vesalius Trust
UCLA Art Sci Center
Wellcome Trust Sciart Program